What If Canada Invaded America?
Relations between the United States and Canada
are relatively tense at the moment, largely
due to the rather controversial decisions
made in recent months.
While there is normally a feeling of brotherly
love between the countries, fears of the possibility
of war are not uncommon, even if they are
fairly unwarranted.
It’s highly unlikely that the US and Canada
would attack one another, and even less likely
that Canada would be the aggressor.
But what if Canada decided to stop being Mr.
Nice Guy?
Let’s find out.
It’s time to answer the question: What if
Canada invaded America?
Well, first thing’s first.
In terms of sheer military might, the United
States has an enormous advantage, to the point
where Canada would have essentially no chance
at success.
America has almost 40 times the military budget
of Canada, and it really shows.
With nearly 1.4 million active military personnel
to Canada’s 79 thousand, the US would have
a significant advantage in terms of experienced
The US also has significantly more military
technology and vehicles, from aircraft to
sea vessels.
Really, in pretty much any metric you can
measure, America has a huge advantage.
The bottom line is, in a vacuum, the United
States would wipe the floor with Canada.
But the world is not a vacuum, and the two
countries have a number of allies that could
make this much more complicated… or much
The United States and Canada are both members
of the United Nations.
This means that an unprovoked attack from
Canada would be met with retribution not only
from the US, which would likely be sufficient,
but from other allied countries as well.
So even if Canada WAS able to successfully
neutralize the United States, which is unlikely
to the point of being fiction, the US would
soon be aided by allied countries.
Unless America did something so evil that
they lost the support of the United Nations,
Canada would likely be significantly outnumbered.
But would Canada have help from other countries
as well?
Some believe that it would.
America has rather tense relations with a
number of countries, including Russia and
It may be that these two superpowers would
jump at the opportunity to finish off the
ever-dominant United States.
This would kick off a 3rd world war, bringing
with it a whole lot of extra uncertainty,
and potentially the end of the world as we
know it.
If World War 3 were to break out, there would
be rather dire consequences.
Scientific progress across the world would
slow in the name of increased military research
and spending, countless lives would be lost,
and global politics would be turned on their
Canada’s invasion would likely be seen in
a similar way to the assassination of Franz
Ferdinand that sparked World War 1, thrusting
the world into a time of danger and sadness.
However, as previously stated, this point
is mostly moot, since it is highly unlikely
that Canada would attempt or have any real
success in war against the US.
And now we come to what is always a bit of
a trump card in these discussions: nuclear
If we’re looking at a country with Canada’s
military strength taking on a country like
America, they would possibly need to resort
to nuclear bombs, something that few rational
governments would allow.
The use of nuclear weapons on the United States
would be suicide for Canada, or perhaps kamikaze.
The world would soon come crashing down if
this was to occur, making it highly unlikely
for this method to be used.
Taking these factors into account, it seems
highly unlikely that Canada would be victorious
if they invaded the US.
SO, let’s talk about the more likely outcome:
what if the invasion failed?
If Canada was unable to overwhelm the superior
American forces, combined with those of their
allies, they would face some serious consequences.
First, the losses would be significant.
Human life would be lost in the failed attack,
and in any counterattacks from the US or allied
Furthermore, an unprovoked attack against
such a close ally would be met with extremely
severe sanctions, which would cripple Canada
both economically and politically.
The country would lose most if not all of
its political clout after such a blunder.
While it’s possible that Canada could eventually
rebuild and regain the trust of its former
allies, it would be difficult to return to
the happy position it currently enjoys.
Not even Canada’s experience in saying sorry
could save it from these consequences.
Now we return to our question: What if Canada
Invaded America?
Well, unless there was some significant meddling
from powerful governments intent on world
war three, it would not look good for Canada.
Or rather, it would look really, really, really,
really, really, bad for Canada.
Not only is Canada outmanned and outgunned
by their neighbours to the south, but an unprovoked
attack would bring about severe consequences
from the United Nations, and possibly the
end of Canada as we know it…
And a world without poutine is just not a
world worth living in.
And while you’re down there, let us know
what you think would happen if the Canucks decided to invade their neighbours to the South.
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